Well Underway! Footings Poured at Horton Kirby Project


We’re excited to share another milestone in our ongoing project at Horton Kirby. This picturesque village in Kent has been the backdrop for one of our latest endeavours, and things are really taking shape at the Griffin Groundworks site.

In the construction world, the importance of a solid foundation cannot be overstated. That’s why we’re pleased to announce that we’ve recently completed pouring the footings for this project. These footings are the cornerstone upon which the rest of the structure will be built, and we take great pride in ensuring they’re done right.

The footings are a critical part of any construction project, providing the necessary support and stability for the entire structure. In the case of our Horton Kirby project, these footings will serve as the foundation for a 1.7-meter high retaining wall. This wall will not only play a functional role in supporting the landscape but will also add an aesthetically pleasing element to the property.

Brickwork in Horton Kirby: Craftsmanship in Action

With the footings now securely in place, our skilled team will turn their attention to the next phase of the project: constructing the retaining wall. Brickwork is both an art and a science, and we approach it with the utmost precision and craftsmanship.

The choice of bricks, the alignment of each course, and the mortar joints all contribute to the final look and structural integrity of the wall. In Horton Kirby, a place known for its charming architecture, we’re committed to delivering a retaining wall that not only stands the test of time but also complements the surrounding beauty.

As we progress with the brickwork, we’re mindful of the importance of attention to detail. Every brick laid is part of a larger picture, and it’s our job to ensure that the puzzle pieces fit together perfectly.

Stay tuned for more updates on our Horton Kirby project. We’re excited to see this project evolve and take shape, and we’re proud to be contributing to the thriving community of Horton Kirby.

If you have any construction or brickwork needs in Horton Kirby or the surrounding areas, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to turn your vision into reality, one brick at a time.