Celebrating Success: Griffin joins RecMat Ltd at the NFDC AGM & Awards Ceremony


Griffin Groundworks extends its gratitude to RecMat Ltd for the gracious invitation to join their table at the prestigious National Federation of Demolition Contractors (NFDC) AGM & Awards ceremony. The event, held at the esteemed Landmark Hotel in London on Friday, March 22nd, provided an excellent opportunity for industry professionals to come together, celebrate achievements, and network.

Attending the NFDC AGM & Awards ceremony was an honour for Griffin Groundworks, allowing us to connect with peers and industry leaders while celebrating the collective successes of the demolition sector. It was a night filled with camaraderie and recognition, highlighting the dedication and hard work of demolition contractors across the nation.

The NFDC plays a vital role in promoting excellence and best practices within the demolition industry, and their annual AGM & Awards ceremony is a pinnacle event that showcases outstanding achievements and innovations. Griffin Groundworks is proud to be associated with the NFDC, an organisation committed to advancing the demolition sector and ensuring its sustainability and safety standards.

The Landmark Hotel provided a stunning backdrop for the evening, setting the stage for an unforgettable gathering of industry professionals. Amidst the elegant surroundings and lively atmosphere, Griffin Groundworks had the opportunity to engage with fellow attendees, share insights, and forge valuable connections that will contribute to our ongoing success.

As a company dedicated to excellence in demolition and groundworks, Griffin Groundworks values the opportunity to participate in events like the NFDC AGM & Awards ceremony. It allows us to stay abreast of industry trends, foster partnerships, and celebrate the achievements of our peers. We extend our sincere thanks to RecMat Ltd for the invitation and look forward to future collaborations within the NFDC community.

In conclusion, the NFDC AGM & Awards ceremony was a memorable occasion for Griffin Groundworks, reaffirming our commitment to excellence and innovation in the demolition sector. We are proud to be part of such a dynamic industry and remain dedicated to upholding the highest standards of professionalism and quality in all our endeavours.